Friday, June 28, 2013

Puppy Heaven

As most of you know, I have a ridiculous obsession er, love, for dogs. And someday, I would love to get one. Jon loves them too, but not enough to let them sleep in our bed as I let my dog for all of high school.. So much that I even rent one sometimes just to play with.
So, an ode to the dog I love the most:
My sweet atom. I love this doggy. If anyone says anything bad about him, you're on my naughty list forever.

To the puppies I want:

Lab or boxer. They are so cute! We definitely won't be getting a dog for a while, but I do love them :)
Also, don't tell people that love dogs that you don't like dogs.
People that don't like dogs:

Cruella de Ville. 

Just kidding. We can still be friends.

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