Sunday, April 14, 2013

Blog Update

Soooo I decided it was time for a new look for the blog. And I love it! It looks so cute and so much better! I also added a feature on the sidebar: you can click on the two pictures (either one), and it will take you to my instagram so you can see all my pictures there as well.


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Summer Lovin'

Next year will be interesting. We have absolutely no idea where we'll be. We could be in Utah, Oregon, Missouri, or any other state. I could be teaching, or crying from not getting (or allowed to do if we move out of state) an internship. We just have no idea. So, we decided since this is our last year as BYU students (and possibly utahns), we would make a bucket list.  We decided to start it now and do things this summer. Highlighted things are what we've already done (well, we've pretty much eaten at all these places, we just want to eat them one more time!). SUGGESTIONS ARE WELCOME!


  1. Gurus
  2. Sammy’s pie shakes.
  3. Communal
  4. Costa Vida
  5. The Pie
  6. Red Iguana
  7. Joseph Smith Building
  8. Bombay House
  9. Spicy Corea
  10. Art Museum
  11. Provo Bakery
  12. French Toast at Kneader’s
  13. J Dawgs
  14. Sweet Tooth Fairy
  15. Slab
  16. Awful Waffle/Bruge


  1. Zoo
  2. Thanksgiving point
  3. Park City
  4. New Outlet mall
  5. Zion’s national park
  6. Hike the Y
  7. 7 Peaks
  8. Hike Mount Timp.
  9. Farmer’s Market
  10. Stay at Inn on the Hill
  11. Bridal Veil Falls
  12. Bean Museum
  13. Weekend trip to Disneyland
  14. Weekend trip to Vegas


  1. Get all sports pass and go to almost every game
  2. Go to at least 2 art events on campus
  3. Go to at least 1 divine comedy & humor U event
  4. See MOTAB perform live
  5. Visit Temple Square
  6. Float down Provo River
  7. Ride a tandem Bike together
  8. go camping
  9. Do a session at the Salt Lake Temple
      1. 10. Go to a BYU Planetarium show

    1. 11. Go to at least 2 devotionals
    Jon started his job with the Church and he likes it. Although it is realllly far away. We are in the process of moving but haven't really done much yet :/ moving stinks. but it will be nice to live so close to campus. We went and played with puppies at petsmart today. I fell in love with a Lab/blue heeler mix that was SOOOO sweet. She cuddled up with me and I did not want to leave! I could hold puppies all day. Jon always asks me why I don't go to veterinary school. I WOULD LOVE TO. ( I mean besides the fact that it's medical school and like another 4-6 years of except, I would just tell everyone their pets died and then keep them for myself. Wait that's creepy. But sometimes I'd just want to keep them, you know!?
    Ugh. Non pet people. gross.

    Also. I complain about having to get my ESL endorsement, but I honestly just realized what a blessing it is. If you're already graduated, an ESL endorsement is basically a master's degree--you have to get accepted into a program, and it's 24-30 credits of masters level learning...which is like thousands of dollars to get, too!
    I want my special ed. and reading endorsement, but I can't justify shelling out $12,000 (which I don't have) plus two extra years of school (for each), without getting a degree, just an "endorsement". But, it makes you a lot more marketable to have endorsements, so I'm grateful for my ESL one. se habla espanol? I don't, but i can teach you how to speak english!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Some days,
I just want to stay in college foever.

I love being a student. I know how to be a student. I love everything about campus. I love learning! My passion for education lead me to choose a teaching major. Part of my teaching philosophy is creating, "life long learners".  I know I'll be sad when I leave college, but I'll never stop learning. I am the nerd that downloads textbooks to my kindle so I can read MORE about being a good teacher. I just want to know EVERYTHING. (this also leads to me acting like I know everything, which is quite annoying. And I don't. I just really like to research and learn). Like for some reason I decided I REALLY wanted to learn about how health insurance worked. This led to several hours on the internet researching and learning. I know, I'm kind of weird. My friend in high school used to laugh at me because I had books by my bed that i called my, "fun books" AKA fiction books, haha!  I want to instill a passion for reading in my students. I am in a literacy class right now ,and it is incredible how you learn to read and write. A lot of it is done without the help of anyone, it's kind of automatic. Writing starts with pictures, moves to scribbles, moves to pre-writing with scribbles and a letter or two thrown in, then phonetic spelling, then advanced writing/spelling. The better you are at spelling the better your reading comprehension is. That's why teachers make students memorize and take spelling tests! You are better are decoding words if you've seen a familiar one before. It's awesome! And there's like 1000 theories on the "right" way to teach writing, reading, and spelling. And it's my overwhelming job to take these methods, make sense of them, and create my own idea of how to do it.
I'm excited to teach, but also extremely nervous. There's a couple classroom management theories I playing with:
1) cooperative discipline: this means you allow the student's to create the rules and consequences in the classroom. it creates democracy and the responsibility is to the individual since they agreed and created the rule.
2) assertive discipline: I love this book called Tools for Teaching by Dr. Fred Jones. And he is assertive discipline. It's basically about stopping undesirable behavior before it becomes a problem. There are several techniques to do this-->this is a "high control" teacher. I think I am high control. I want my room to run smoothly. I will trust my students to be responsible for themselves, but if they choose to not be, there will be consequences. If you trust them and give them the opportunity to behave, they will.
3) Love and Logic. Jim & Jay Funk created this theory. It's basically about using logical consequences, but LOVING your students so that they want to behave because they respect and love you. I like this one, but it is low control--meaning, you really don't do much disciplining. Which is great, as long as it works!
Every classroom is different, I just really want my students to create a democratic environment where they learn to trust each other and myself. I want a learning community, not a classroom. We will learn from each other (Vygotsky's theory of cooperative learning.) rather than from me. I will not lecture or give worksheets (except for a few). They will learn from hands on.
You do NOT want your child learning from a teacher that sends home a daily worksheet. Trust me, this is a sign of a lazy teacher that does not care! Worksheets are easy! experiments, group activities, discussions, are difficult to plan and teach, but they teach and reinforce soooo much more!

WOOO that was a long post. But this is really for me to remember all that I have learned this semester & how I feel about it!