Wednesday, May 1, 2013



We're not dead.

Just busy.

Here's what our day looks like:

-Wake up at 6:20, drive Jon to the front runner.
-Tell myself I WONT go back to sleep
-Go back to sleep
-Pack, pack, pack
-Keep Grey's anatomy running while I back
-Go for a run
-Go to work
-Pick Jon up at the train station
-Eat dinner
-Watch shows

Luckily, my math class for Spring was cancelled tues, wed. So tomorrow is my first day of my (HOPEFULLY) last math class EVEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRR.

^^Cannot even express how excited I am for this.....

Things I am trying to find this month:
Aztec maxi dress
Skinny jeans
New tops for spring

Our apartment smells really a basement. How do I make this go away? I opened all the windows, but I'm scared it's mold and I don't know how to tips?

We are moving saturday and I'm so ready to just be moved in already!

Clothes I'm dying to get:

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