Saturday, November 10, 2012

Happy Firthday, Jon!

Fake birthday. Fake birthday's occur when you'll be out of town without your wife ALL weekend on your real birthday, so you celebrate early! And boy, we celebrated! I've been saving up to do something really special for Jon since I'm terrible at present ideas.
here's how the fbirthday went.
1) RENTED a puppy. the cutest puppy you've ever seen. half chocolate lab, half beagle. Surprise!

2) After we played with the puppy, I took jon to Red Iguana downtown. DELICIOUS. holy crap. I'm not a huge mexican fan but Ohmygoshitwasgoooood. Pretty cheap and a ton of food!

3) Big surprise (the one i've been really excited about) I took Jon to stay at the Inn on the Hill. It was an AMAZING bed & breakfast. So gorgeous. The house dates back to the 1800's, and if you've ever seen the movie Clue, that's pretty much what it looks like. We played pool, ate lots and lots of snacks, watched some TV, relaxed, took a bath (the tub was huge and had jets, yay!). Then in the morning they made us waffles with fresh fruit, OJ and bacon...mmmm.

Andddd right now we're off to see my dad, yay!

1 comment:

  1. Oooooh boy! I loved the puppy pictures you sent to me!! Sooooo cute!

    Happy Birthday to Jon! Way to go, katie. Great firthday planning skills. Sounds like a fun weekend!!
